Meet the snowpros ski instructors
Dave is the head of the ski school and has been skiing since he was 12. He currently owns eight pairs of skis.
Teaching experience: 6500 hours
Gabby is a very patient instructor who loves working with all ages and levels. From age three she was on skis and has a lot to share.
Teaching experience: 1500 hours
Rebecca has skied in Villars from the age of 2. She is keen to offer her knowledge and skills to those who are learning to ski.
Teaching experience: 1100 hours
Alix lives year-round in the Portes du Soleil. Her love for skiing has naturally evolved into a 10 year passion for instructing.
Teaching experience: 2400 hours
Tom loves all things mountains, from running and climbing in the summer to skiing in the winter. He can’t wait to share his passion with you.
Max has worked as an instructor from the moment he was qualified. He loves teaching so much he does it in the summer.
Teaching experience: 6000 hours
Mike is a dedicated skier and ex-racer. He wants everyone he teaches to learn and have fun. #LOVEMIKE
Teaching experience: 2500 hours
Stefan loves to ski with people and talk to them about skiing. He is a firm favourite with many of our regular families.
Teaching experience: 3600 hours
Luke is a ski instructor from Australia, who ventured to Switzerland. Enticed by the blend of culture, mountains and skiing.
Teaching experience: 1000 hours
Luksa is an experienced instructor who brings fun to every lesson. Having worked in PDS for years, he knows all the best spots.
Teaching experience: 3000 hours
Stuart grew up skiing on the slopes of Verbier. He believes skiing should be fun at every level, and he practices what he preaches.
Teaching experience: 2200 hours
Matt has been part of the SnowPros family for many years. His skills as an instructor are a huge asset to the team.
Teaching experience: 3500 hours
Nige loves skiing, loves the mountains and loves being an instructor. He also works with disabled skiers.
Teaching experience: 2500 hours
Valentin, our Argentinian instructor, is fluent in English and Spanish. He chases winter by flying north for the season.
Teaching experience: 800 hours